English Setter *
AKC Breed Video
Order #ESETAKC VT $24.95
English Setters #
Beverly Pisano
Order #ESETKW $9.95
Hutchinson on Setters
Deluxe Reprint of the 1934 classic, including
information on the English, Gordon, and Irish
40 pp. / color plate / HOF
Order #SETH $19.95
New Complete English Setter **
Davis H. Tuck
Revised by Howell & Graef
376 pp. / 250 photos / HWL-4th/1982
Order #B-ESET401 $29.95
Out-of-Print, In Stock
English Setter, The
Lesley Allan-Scott
1st / 1975
Order #ESETLAS1 $8.95
English Setter Handbook, The
Clifford L. B. Hubbard
1st / 1958
Order #ESETH $25.00
Modern Setter
A. F. Hochwalt
Basically on English Setters, with chapters
on Irish and Gordon Setters. Revised and
enlarged edition.
315 pp. / 2nd / 1923
Order #ESETM1 $87.50
Modern Setter
A. F. Hochwalt
A supplementary volume to the 1923 edition
a resumption of the story with a complete
index to both volumes. 285 pp.
Order #ESETM2 $75.00